
Wallasea Wetland Creation Project Update Newsletter (No.3, Defra, Sept 2007) PDF (927KB) - 13/11/07

Scott C. R. (2007). Wallasea Wetland Creation Scheme: Lessons Learned. Proceedings of the CIWEM Rivers and Coastal Group Winter Meeting: From Directive to Detail: A Joined-Up Response to Flooding? London 26th January 2007PDF (805KB) - 24/08/07

Proposed 5-year Monitoring Programme 2006-2011 (ABPmer 2005)PDF (6,024KB)

Environmental Statement (ABPmer 2004) PDF (3,345KB)

Detailed Hydrodynamic Modelling (ABPmer 2004) - Non-Technical SummaryPDF (7,841KB)